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Deep learning day Sainté-Lyon 4th January 2017
4 janvier 2017
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The « Informatique Télécom & Image » (ITI) department of the Hubert Curien laboratory in Saint-Etienne organizes a deep learning day the 4th of January 2017.
The website is under construction here: http://perso.univ-st-etienne.fr/fod07375/Saint&Lyon
Because of the current number of registrations, we moved it into a room (D03) outside the lab (see the map on the website). Please register here: http://doodle.com/poll/3d9mryeiyq3h3tdt
This message has been sent to everybody who registered to the mailing lists [fil-tmd], [fil-timage] or [fil-tif].
The morning (starting from 9h15) will be dedicated to a tutorial on deep learning (starting from scratch) using the TORCH library (http://torch.ch/). You can download TORCH before the meeting and use your own laptop during the presentation to try it on the fly.
Damien Fourure (damien.fourure@univ-st-etienne.fr), PhD student co-supervised in the « Image analysis and understanding » and « Machine Learning » teams of the ITI department and by one member of the IMAGINE team in the LIRIS lab, will organize the day. If you are working in this area and would like to present something, please contact him. We can still accommodate two more talks in the afternoon (preferably not about image/video processing to have more diversity)
The lunch break is not included but there is a student restaurant and plenty of bakeries near the room for you to buy something. The coffee breaks will be sponsored by the Solstice ANR project (https://solstice.univ-st-etienne.fr/).