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FIL Talk – April, 6
6 avril 2023 à 15 h 00 min - 16 h 00 min
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We are pleased to invite you to FIL Seminar that will be hold on April, 6.
When: April, 6, 3pm-4pm
Where: Campus de la Doua – Bâtiment Hedy Lamarr- Département Télécommunications
Amphithéâtre Claude Chappe
6 Av. des Arts, 69100 Villeurbanne
tensor decomposition, sparse approximations, convex optimization, machine learning
Speaker bio:
He studied at Ecole Centrale de Lyon from 2010 to 2013 with major in Mathematical engineering, with double degrees in Mathematics (bachelor) and Telecommunications (master with INSA Lyon).
Talk by: Théo Pierron (LIRIS)
Graph coloring is one of the most studied problems in graph theory. It originated in the 19th century with a well-known question: are four colors sufficient to color differently regions sharing a same border? About a century later, the question was finally solved by the so-called Four Color Theorem. At the core of its proof is a powerful tool, named the « discharging method », whose major downside is that it often requires lengthy case analyses. For the Four Color Theorem, this analysis is given to a computer for verification. This provided one of the first occurrences of a computer assisted proof.
Nowadays, using computers is more common to obtain some proofs, especially to deal with large verifications. However, it is still quite uncommon for a computer to actively look for a proof. We present here a Linear Programming approach to automatically look for a discharging proof and apply it to make some progress towards Wegner’s conjecture for distance-2 coloring of planar graphs. More precisely, we show that 12 colors are sufficient to color at distance 2 every planar graph with maximum degree 4.
After studying at ENS Rennes, Théo Pierron did a PhD at LaBRI in Bordeaux. He then went to Masaryk University (Brno, CZ) for a one-year postdoc before being hired as associate professor at LIRIS in 2020. His work involves graph theory and algorithmics. Hde is also interested in most areas of discrete mathematics.
Amaury Habrard, Mathieu Lefort, Hamamache Kheddouci, Jean-Michel Muller