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Journée Thématique IA
9 novembre 2021 à 9 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min
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Le thème I3A de la FIL, organise son premier événement avec une « Journée Thématique IA » le 09 novembre 2021 de 09h à 17h (Lieu: Salle Fontannes, Bat. Darwin, D, Lyon 1, à 2 pas de la station du Tram Lyon 1.) ou en Ligne
Outre l’animation du Thème I3A, l’objectif de la journée est de présenter les travaux en IA des équipes en vue de préparer des collaborations pour les appels à projet à venir (courant 2022) de la région AURA sur l’IA et aussi la préparation du Symposium IA du réseau ARQUS prévu du 17 au 19 janvier 2022, dont l’objectif est le montage de projets internationaux en IA/lien avec l’IA.
Nous comptons sur une participation importante des membres de la FIL, d’autant que pour l’ouverture nous recevons une conférencière prestigieuse (Virginia Dignum sur le thème « Responsible AI »).
Merci de répondre à l’Evento afin de nous aider à organiser au mieux cette journée.
Le programme de la journée :
Thematic Day on Artificial Intelligence (FIL -I3A : ML & IA Theme)
When: November 09, 2021 (9:00-17:00)
Where: Salle Fontannes – Facultés des Science (https://www.univ-lyon1.fr/campus/plan-des-campus/salle-fontannes-facultes-des-sciences)
Bat. Charles Darwin D RdC, on the left at the entrance side of DOUA Campus
69100 Villeurbanne
Link for Online access (https://univ-lyon1.webex.com/meet/salima.hassas)
09:00 : Introduction
09:15 : Talk by Virginia Dignum (Responsible AI: from principles to action)
10:15 : P. Goncalves – INRIA Lyon-Center’s support for AI programs
10:25 : Break
10:45 : Talk by Mathieu Guillermin (Co-construction of ethical artificial agents)
11:45 : Presentation of Arqus symposium for AI
12:00 – 13:30 : Lunch (on your own)
13:30 :Talk by Mouna Mouncif-Moungache (What regulations four AI in the European Union)
14:30 : Presentation of AI activities held by the Federation research teams I
15h15 : Break
15h30 : Presentation of AI activities held by the Federation research teams II
16h30 : Discussions and Closure
17h00 : End
Invited Talks
Responsible AI: from principles to action by Virginia Dignum (Bio see below)
Every day we see news about advances and the societal impact of AI. AI is changing the way we work, live and solve challenges but concerns about fairness, transparency or privacy are also growing. Ensuring AI ethics is more than designing systems whose result can be trusted. It is about the way we design them, why we design them, and who is involved in designing them. In order to develop and use AI responsibly, we need to work towards technical, societal, institutional and legal methods and tools which provide concrete support to AI practitioners, as well as awareness and training to enable participation of all, to ensure the alignment of AI systems with our societies’ principles and values.
Co-construction of ethical artificial agents: the role of levels of abstraction by Mathieu Guillermin (Bio see below)
As it is now well recognized, ethical issues with artificial intelligence cannot be treated by specific groups of persons in isolation. Engineers and researchers must participate to ethical effort. Ethical stakes are not only in the use of systems of artificial intelligence (ethics in, by and for design). However, one cannot put the entire responsibility of ethical effort upon designers of artificial intelligent systems. Other societal actors must also contribute. In this communication, we focus upon the study of a specific challenge raised by this need for co-construction processes involving participants from extremely diverse horizons: the choice of adequate levels. We will defend that, far from being trivial, choosing, or maybe rather progressively establishing, adequate levels of abstraction demands dedicated intention and will deeply conditionalize the quality of ethical outcomes of the design and the use of artificial intelligent systems.
What regulations four AI in the European Union by Mouna Mouncif-Moungache (Bio see below)
The European Union, like China and the United States, has identified the transformative power of artificial intelligence in the economy and in society. In this race for innovation, the European Union must find its way by adopting a vision and a strategy in which the need to develop AI must be reconciled with the fundamental rights of individuals. We will analyze the approach of the European Union institutions and discuss the way in which it undertakes this vast ambitious project from the point of view of the type of regulation and the content of these rules.
Presentation of AI activities held by the FIL research teams (5mn Pitch for each team)
(FIL : Federation of Computer Science in Lyon)
Part I
Stephan Duffner, Imagine, LIRIS
Thierry Fournel, Image Science & Computer Vision, LabHC,
Alexandre Meyer, SAARA, LIRIS
Olivier Bernard, MYRIAD du laboratoire CREATIS
Speaker to be announced, Tomoradio, CREATIS
Frédérique Biennier, SOC, LIRIS
Part II
Marc Plantevit, DM2L, LIRIS
Amaury Habrard, Data Intelligence , LabHC
Julien Velcin, Data Mining & Decision, ERIC
Elise Lavoué, SICAL, LIRIS
Salima Hassas, SyCoSMA, LIRIS
Frédérique Laforest, Tweak, LIRIS
Olivier Simonin, CHROMA , INRIA-INSA, CITI
Antoine Boutet, PRIVATIS, CITI (Slides only)
Other presentations
Brief presentation of Research Programs Support for AI development set by INRIA-Lyon Center (Paulo Gonçalves)
Brief presentation of ARQUS symposium of AI to foster collaborations within the international ARQUS network (The symposium is planned for January 19-21, 2022).(A. Habrard & S. Hassas)
Speakers Bio
Virginia Dignum is Professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Umeå University, Sweden and associated with the TU Delft in the Netherlands. She is the director of WASP-HS, the Wallenberg Program on Humanities and Society for AI, Autonomous Systems and Software, the largest Swedish national research program on fundamental multidisciplinary research on the societal and human impact of AI. She is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and a Fellow of the European Artificial Intelligence Association (EURAI). Her current research focus is on the specification, verification and monitoring of ethical and societal principles for intelligent autonomous systems. She is committed to policy and awareness efforts towards the responsible development and use of AI, as member of the European Commission High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, the working group on Responsible AI of the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), the World Economic Forum’s Global Artificial Intelligence Council, lead for UNICEF’s guidance for AI and children, the Executive Committee of the IEEE Initiative on Ethically Aligned Design, and as founding member of ALLAI, the Dutch AI Alliance. Her book “Responsible Artificial Intelligence: developing and using AI in a responsible way” was published by Springer-Nature in 2019.
She studied at the University of Lisbon and the Free University of Amsterdam and has a PHD in Artificial Intelligence from Utrecht University in 2004. In 2006 she was awarded the prestigious Veni grant by the NWO (Dutch Organization for Scientific Research). She is a well-known speaker on the social and ethical impacts of Artificial Intelligence, is member of the reviewing boards for all major journals and conferences in AI and has published over 250 peer-reviewed papers.
Mathieu Guillermin is associate professor at Lyon Catholic University (UCLy) in the “Confluence: Sciences and Humanities” research unit). He holds a PhD in Physics and a PhD in Philosophy. One of his main research interests is the question of the articulations between ethics, scientific research and technological developments. He focuses notably upon philosophical and ethical questions raised by new digital technologies (big data, artificial intelligence, robots …).
Mouna Mouncif-Moungache is Lecturer in public law, deputy director of CERCRID (UMR-5137), coordinator of a transversal project about law, criticism and digital.
She is a specialist in European Union law. She conducts her research in industrial property law, health law and digital law.
In particular, she leads a research project with Florian Martin Bariteau, professor at the University of Ottawa about the governance of AI: Franco-Canadian approach funded by the FFCR (France Canada Research Fund).